Traditional Catholic Laments Church in Ruins
September 7, 2013

pedophiles, Freemasons, Communists to name a few
that I personally cannot see any way back."
John writes: I am a 50 year old Irishman living in the north of Ireland. I have been Catholic from birth. I had been away from the Catholic church for over 20 years; I came back after much soul searching and flirting with atheism for a while. I came back to the church around five years ago after becoming interested in the old Latin mass. I then attended my first Latin mass as an adult and my life began to change before the mass was over.
by John
Your article on the Catholic church brought to mind the many reasons why I left this cult posing as the "Catholic church."
This group may have control of the buildings and the money - but they left the true church behind long ago. The liberal reader may try to tell me that what we have now is a natural result of many years of reform and modernization of an old church.
I was told these things too, that the church was stuck in the past, ignoring problems caused by our way of life, that we needed a new church and the old one was past its sell-by date.
The truth is that the Vatican-controlled church has given away any right to call itself "Catholic" by its abandonment of the original church of Christ.
The hardest thing I have found is to get people to realize that by attending mass etc at these churches you are partaking in a protestant ceremony; there is absolutely nothing Catholic there at all.
I have found traditionalist Catholic friends of mine getting caught up in trying to "reform the reform" but they can't see that these people calling themselves the church leaders are so far removed from Catholicism that there is nothing left to reform or repair.

Does no one remember that Fr. Gabriele Amorth (probably the most famous living exorcist) complained that when the "church" revised the rite of exorcism, it was rendered virtually useless? He is quoted in Wikipedia as saying - the new rite of exorcism is "a farce. An incredible obstacle that is likely to prevent us from acting against the demon."
Lets see how far he would get with the new "kumbaya" version. He still uses the old version...
The whole organization is so poisoned by homosexuals, pedophiles, Freemasons, Communists to name a few that I personally cannot see any way back. The power-hungry pervs will never let go of what remains. There has been a total loss of control of parishes, nuns, priests and the lower echelons of the church that it should come as no surprise to anyone that homosexuality, divorce, contraception and the like are actively promoted by "clergy."
Who among us has not come across an effeminate priest in their time? there seem to be so many of them about these days that a person could be forgiven for thinking it was a prerequisite for the Vatican 2 priesthood.
However, there is some good news, the real Catholic church still exists in the western world - but only in small groups such as the SSPX, SSPV and other independent priests and their churches.
People need to remember that the Latin Rite may be the largest part of the Catholic church but it is not the only one. The eastern Catholic church still survives in the Greek and the Ukrainian Catholic Rites (and a few other small rites.)
These people will go on without the Vatican and we could find one day that the center of the True Catholic church is in the east not the west. I don't say things will be easy but I have no doubt that the Catholic church will survive.
I plan to move east (Europe) when I retire so I will have access to a valid church .
As Jesus said - "...I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18b)
John adds: "In case you want to post a link regarding traditional Catholicism , this is the one I recommend - http://www.
I am not saying they are perfect or that I agree with every opinion they hold, but they are very thorough in researching the history of the Catholic church. Their debates on YouTube are worth watching (even for non-Catholics) I enjoy watching the modernists squirm when confronted with the facts. "
First Comment from Mac:
I am a "cradle Catholic" as well - born in an observant Catholic family in the late '30s. I have also been a victim of the Crisis of Authority afflicting the Church, even at one time leaving for a period of 6 years some months starting 1985. However, I was blessed with a hunger for the Eucharist which I can only get in the Church and is the source of daily grace to me. So, I have been down John's path like many others.
John needs to read Matt. 13:24-30 and understand that this is not the first time things have been so bad in the institution nor that the institution was ever "pure" and has stopped being so. Its the wheat field it has always been. We Catholics, on the other hand, have been bumps on a log, waiting for someone to come along to show us what to do. Pope Francis is terrifying in this respect because he is doing it.
Catholics have an obligation to ask, seek and find (acronym ASK) and rely on Christ, not the failing residents of the institution of which they are part. The Church has always taught that it is the Body of Christ (recall Paul was accused by Christ of attacking Him when persecuting Christians - Acts 9: 3-4) so we can't really leave the body without leaving Life, "Anima" in Latin, from which we get the word, animation or life as we know it. If a cell divides, we say it is living. When it stops dividing, we say it is dead, no longer animated.
If the institutional Church has become a landfill, roses still can grow there. If they are fewer, they are no less fragrant and objects of beauty, which God has created. So I encourage John and anyone else wavering to hang in there. We go to Mass, and the Novus Ordo is as perfectly valid as the rite promoted by Pope St. Pius V, to receive our saving grace. The priest, even those of peccable character, are the sole ones ordained by a bishop, whose authority can be shown to descend directly from St. Peter, alone can confect the Eucharist as the Church teaches and has always so. The Didache, dating from the early 2nd, possibly the late 1st, century AD, shows that for them , Christians gathered every Sunday for the bishop to 'break bread', confect the Eucharist, because it is the source of our strength, not the priest offering the Sacrifice. Bad homilies are a plague upon us but it is the Eucharist, and that other saving sacrament, Penance, that saves us. There are good sources for learning about Scripture, Robert Sungenis' CASB series (see: being one and is very reliable, You can download pdf versions of his work less expensive than hard copies.
John, hold your nose if the landfill odor offends you but don't separate yourself, become a schismatic, because the next step is to become a heritic - they are historically related.
Your brother in Christ,
"Those who live by the flesh experience Gods law as a burden, and indeed as a denial or at least a restriction of their own freedom."
- John Paul II
Prudenter replies to Mac
Greg said (September 9, 2013):
John if you were a Traditional Catholic, you would understand that the holy church of sinners is prevailing against the evils of this world. Christ promised us that ‘
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ Now that’s a pretty solid promise and it is in force today. Our holy church of sinners is just that... as hard as we try to destroy the church through our humanity, it prevails and will prevail until the end of time. There is so much good in the church it is sad to see people’s faith destroyed by the 5% of the church which is bad and seeks the destruction of the church. Look around and see the good people around you and embrace them!